Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Over the past two days this is what has happened...

Our beautiful flowers have started to change colour!!!
Thank you so much to all of the parents who have supported our curiosities and passion for bringing in beautiful stuff from home. The children loved to share what they brought in and sort out what we collected into baking trays!

We chose a material we liked to decorate our alphabet letters with and this is how it turned out!

Today, we made rainbows in Art with Ms. Buckworth and hung them up on our wall. They turned out great!! Everyone did a fantastic job colouring and gluing their rainbow together!

One of the students in our school donated this game to our classroom.  
It's called 'Jumpin' Monkeys' and the children had a lot of fun playing with it.

One of our students brought these cups in from home. These two children built many different structures with them.


We worked very hard today to make number signs for our classroom! So far, we have expressed three different ways to show each number up to 10!

The girls made some playdough cakes and goodies for us today and even brought it to us on a tray!

We found a new place for our Family Tree. It is filling up quite fast! Thank you to all the supportive parents who took the time to send a picture in from home. We couldn't have made this without you!

On the way out, she took the time to explain what she had made. It sounded very yummy!!



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