Sunday, October 30, 2016

October is almost over!!

October 20th we celebrated a spirit day. It is an annual day in October when millions of North Americans wear purple as a sign of support for LGBTQ youth and to speak out against bullying. Students, schools, organizations, corporations, media professionals, celebrities and parents wear purple as we work to create a world in which youth are celebrated and accepted for who they are. 
We had a great turn out! Thank you so much for supporting it!
We worked on some of our documentation from our experience at the farm, writing down what our favourite part was and what we did there.
We found the perfect spot for our leaf matching activity:
We want to thank one of our parents for bringing us Halloween stickers. We used them to decorate pictures of spooky haunted houses!
We made lots of things this week with our Halloween Playdough, like bats, pumpkins and ghosts:

We purposefully set these shape mats out with the intentions of having the children outline them with their choice of jewels. It was interesting to observe which mat they gravitated towards and which colours they chose. They seemed to really enjoy it, trying to complete more than one mat!

We read the book Fossil by Bill Thomson and were inspired to make our own prints using plastercine and various objects:
Lastly, we carved our three pumpkins and cleaned out the inside of them, separated the seeds from the pulp and rinsed them in the sink. Then we dyed them different colours with food colouring and set them out to dry over the weekend. We will be using them next week for a name decorating activity.
 What does it smell like?
 What does it feel like?
 Carving out a face to make it a Jack-o-Lantern:
Monday we will be wearing our costumes to school and having snacks in the afternoon.
A note went home in your child's communication folder on Friday regarding this.
Just a gentle reminder that we cannot have any products with nuts, egg or fish in our classroom.

Enjoy the last day of the weekend!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

"A fallen leaf is a summer's wave goodbye.."

This week has really cooled down! It certainly has been quite rainy and cold out, which was perfect weather to enjoy some warm homemade (or school-made) soup made from the veggies we picked at the farm. Thanks to Mrs. Ansari who washed and prepared all of the vegetables with the children and put it all together. We let it slow cook for a few hours and then poured it into bowls to let it cool down. It turned out amazing and the children loved it.. some even having 4 bowls!

Waiting for the soup to cool down!

This week we made some Orange and Black Halloween Playdough and put out new Mats with open-ended materials and were impressed with the variations of things the children were creating!

We also put out some fall jewels for them to create with:
We also brought in some really cool skeletons:
Thank you to one of our parents and students for bringing us in fun Halloween stickers to make pictures out of! We loved them :)
 Playing with Mr. Potato Head!

And last but not least BUILDING: (A Farm)

Have an awesome weekend! See you Monday :)