Saturday, October 8, 2016

Gratitude: helps us see what there is, instead of what there isn't...

For those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!
This week we did some hands-on activities with the children, including a little shaving cream and food colouring Art experiment that Mrs. Ansari introduced them to:
 She added some colours to the shaving cream and swirled it around and around:
 They were so curious about the smell of it, so she held the tray out for them and slowly held it up to them so that they could smell it. A lot of them thought it smelled a lot like soap:

Then we got to make our own pictures with it!

 Some were sooo excited to see what happened when they lifted their paper out of the foam!

 Feeling the texture of it!
We were back to building again this week!

Two of our Sk's worked together with Mrs. Ansari to count and record how long they made their lego line was:

Building with Jenga blocks:

We used all of the Jenga pieces to build a big maze and watched them as they all knocked one another down, it was very challenging but we did it and were so proud of ourselves!!
These two built this awesome structure together!

This week we went out for a Terry Fox Run with Ms. Campbell, Ms. Barone and Mrs. Ansari!

Here are some pictures from our dramatic play area this week:

Two of our friends labelled our bins so that we could bring our some dishes and other play househould items outside to play with during outdoor recess:

 Playing around different angles on our ipad:

Have a very nice long weekend! See you on Tuesday!
If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to use our newly activated REMIND app. :o)

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