Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Day on the Farm!

Today we took a field trip to Round The Bend Farm! We had a fun filled day jumping on the hay stacks, seeing and learning about the animals, looking at different types of pumpkins and gourds, going on a tractor ride and walking through a corn maze. At the end of the day, before we got on the bus, we got to pick our own pumpkins to take home with us! 
It was the perfect day to be outdoors with the weather being so warm :)
For some of our friends, it was their first time on the bus and they did an excellent job following the rules by sitting properly the whole way there and back!
There were so many awesome characters made out of pumpkin heads around the farm, the kids were so excited to see some familiar ones especially the ones from inside Out!
 we all hopped onto this tractor and it took us for a ride around the farm, through the corn fields:
The tractor driver even got off and picked some Indian corn and passed it around for us to feel, hold and keep for our classroom:
 First we saw the Alpacas! The brown and white was is expecting a baby and we learned that Alpacas can only have one baby at a time. They are pregnant for 11 1/2 months before they give birth!
Then we saw Betty the Cow:
 Then we visited some sheep:
 Then we made our way over to the chicken, hen, and duck coup:
 We learned that pigs are actually one of the cleanest animals! A baby cow is the size of two fists put together!
 Here are some Peacocks:
 Then we went into a barn to learn about Pumpkins and Gourds:
 These were all from the farm, hand picked and brought in for display. The long green ones are called snake pumpkins and the pink ones are called peanut pumpkins because it looks like peanuts are growing all over them!
Then we made our way over to the crops to pick some fresh vegetables!
 This was a very big leaf!
 We picked some fennel:
 Played in the leaves!
Picked some Cabbage with special tools:
Some cauliflower:
 Some Kale:
 Dug up and pulled out some Carrots:
 Then we went back to the Hay stacks!
 And then we went into the Corn Maze!!
We saw so many different colours of corn!
Lastly, we went to pick out our pumpkins!
 We had such a busy day that a lot of us were VERY tired on the bus ride back!
 We want to extend a BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful parents who joined us today!! It was so nice to have you share this experiences with us and we are so glad you came!
Unfortunately, not all parents who would have liked to come were able to, but we will be going on more field trips in the coming months that you will be able to attend. We look forward to having you there!
 We thought it would be a great idea to make soup with the vegetables that we collected today. We are thinking of making it on Thursday. 
(Please let us know if you do not wish for your child to be a part of this.)

Enjoy the rest of your week :o) 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing those wonderfull photos .���� it looks like it was arealy wonderfull trip ..i hope i will be able to attend next time ��
