Saturday, October 15, 2016

Apple Spice and Everything Nice!!

This week we played a fun hand-eye coordination game during Gym with balloons and handmade paddles!

The object of the game was to balance the ballooon on the plate and walk from one side of the Gym to the other. Then we challenged them to keep the balloon up in the air, without letting it touch the ground. The children LOVED it!

 Ready...? Set.... Go!
Then we made even more of a challenge and showed them how to switch balloons, by bouncing theirs in the air and catching their partners. 
It was difficult, but we did it!
 helping each other:

Mrs. Ansari set up a new colour matching center this week, where the children had to glue on the matching colour leaf onto the coloured paper.
After reading the books:

We set up a provocation, where students could sort out the pom poms using tweezers or chopsticks. We found that this was especially great for strengthening and building on fine motor skills!
We have some really creative thinkers/builders in our class:

Some of our JK's practicing how to write their name:
This week we looked at different Fall words. When it came to apple tree and apple cider, some of the children didn't know what cider was. We showed them a few clips on YouTube of how apple cider is made and then asked them if they wanted to try some. They were so excited, so we thought since we were going to have apple cider, we could also bake some Apple Crisp. We looked at a recipe to see what ingredients we needed and then wrote them out:
We collected all of the ingredients we needed and then on Friday we went over to Ms. Beattie's room to watch how she peeled her apples and de-cored them. 
 We let it bake in the oven for about 40 minutes:
 And then we let it cool off:
We did not want to spoil anyone's lunch, so we gave it out after they had finished eating, as a dessert.

We made two cards for two of our friends this week. 
We are so sad that one of them will be leaving us to go to another school. The good news it, it isn't far and we may have a surprise visit from him because his new school is right up the street!

Enjoy your weekend everyone! 
Please remember that Library Day will now be on Monday mornings. 

Thank you very much to those of you who came out on Thursday night for Curriculum Night. We were so pleased to see so many supportive and engaged parents and look forward to our continued partnership!


  1. Thank you for the lovely card for Akbar... it now occupies a prime spot atop his shelf in his room! 😊
    Also, that Apple Crisp looks delicious... nicely done!
    Thank you, for putting in such an effort to make school fun and full of such varied enriching experiences for our little ones.. they sure are lucky!

    1. No problem! We are just as lucky to get to learn alongside them. They inspire us everyday. The apple Crisp turned out amazing!! A perfect way to end off the week :)

  2. It is realy sound like a week full of fun and activites . Thanks for your efforts ��
