Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Ideas come from Curiosity." - Walt Disney

This week, our inquiry took a turn into wonderings about cities. One of the children drew and painted a picture of a neighbourhood. So, we talked about it, wondered about it and came up with a great idea! We would make our own city or neighbourhood!
We have many curiosities and wonderings to discover, but in the meantime we have been very busy exploring different art mediums and planning what our city and roads will look like.
After a brief lesson on how to draw buildings and homes that was modelled on the SmartBoard, the children began to develop their own pictures, using other resources as a reference for their drawings.
And then the building started to happen...

Some more planning...
 Exploring colour using watercolour paints
 What a typical street in the city would look like by potential future urban planners...
And our temporary display of work
Today, we started to construct our roads and place the buildings and transportation vehicles that we made onto a large white mural paper.
 Some of the children used pictures to support their drawings.
 Adding more to it..
Robbers and a police man!!
And some other creative paintings
A proud group of girls built a bed for their doll.
While the boys continued to build roads for their cars...
We are keeping cozy and warm this week, while we learn about temperature and how to read and use a thermometer!
~ Don't forget: Friday is Rockstar Day and the Good News Assembly is at 1:30 pm. Someone in our class will win the Fairness award... I wonder who it will be :) ~

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