Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our City Inquiry!

Our city inquiry all started from this beautiful picture that one of our students drew and painted of her neighbourhood. She described the lines as the path that one of the people went on and found the other one at the park. Then the two of them continued on walking. That is why there is a heart under them. How creative!

We kept on adding to our city.
Here is a police car ...                                                 and a soldier + his vehicle
Of course we needed a school bus!
The girls built a city together, each one added to it in different ways.
This was an invitation to make traffic lights for our building centre, using toilet paper rolls and construction paper.
We decided that we needed some buildings and skyscrapers!
An airport..
 A house..
The boys building roads together...
Ms. Buckworth did this Art activity with the students. They added their own pictures to the background of either our school, our school library, or the movie theater. They turned out fantastic!

This is where we laid out our mural for the children to add their creations to.
Helping to write out the expectations we are covering from the Ontario curriculum.
 We decided to display our learning outside of our classroom, in our hallway for others to see. We are running out of space in our room too, so this happened to be a perfect spot!
 A closer view..
One of the children suggested we make a train station and another suggested a park and roller coaster. So we may just have to make another mural of an amusement park. We'll see where our learning takes us!
Enjoy your weekend!

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