Thursday, February 5, 2015

Snow, snow and more snow!!

 We got a LOT of snow on our P.A. Day! Our Kindergarten Pen wasn't cleared yet, so it was hard to get through!
We continued to get more snow, and colder weather came with it, which meant indoor recess...
 Since we are now into the month of February, we decided to change our playdough centre into a valentine making centre, using these loose parts. We made some pink and purple playdough to go along with it!
 We are measuring a cup of salt for our playdough recipe!

 Using Ten Frames to count the number of spheres we roll our playdough into.

Our focus this week in Literacy, was sight words. This was a sight word snowball centre where children could select a word and write 1 letter of the word in each snowball to make the complete word.

This was a sight word egg flip centre. The children worked in partners during this game. One partner would call out a word and the other one would have to find the word and flip it over.
 This was a sight word activity at our light table centre, where children used their finger to write the sight words they found on the list, in the sand:
 We continued to work on our printing using dry-erase markers:
 Here are the boys working hard:

We used these pattern block templates for Valentines Day and counted how many blocks we used for each shape:
This was our Pirate Gold Sight Word Search, where the children had to match the words up:

Bear Paws was out again :)
 During Math, we sorted these shapes into the category they belonged in:
 After reading this book, some of the students wanted to challenge themselves to try to draw the shapes and label them:

Here is another math centre, where the students had to match the colour and number of dots to the elephant:
It was Mrs. Ansari's birthday today, so yesterday we were busy making her a card:
Our Pirate Inquiry is still in the works:

Some of the children draw self portraits this week, and used watercolour to paint them. We were so amazed, we had to frame them. They make an excellent edition to our room!!

 Unfortunately, we did not have library Day this week because of the schedule change. We will continue on with our normal schedule next week and will return to the Library on Thursday!





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