Sunday, February 1, 2015

Our last days of January

Last week we embraced Literacy week within our school. Mrs. Taube's Grade 5 class came down to read with us. It was so nice to see students who have never met, bond through sharing a story together. Here are two of our students reading together:
During our math focus, we worked on measuring each other with mittens. Most of the children were either 6 or 7 mittens long:
We changed our water table this week and chose a new colour for it.
The boys were busy making some new patterns using the beads and string:
Our pattern block snowflake centre:
We also used our imagination to create different tings using our straws and connectors:

 One of our students took on this challenge and matched up every number with the different variations of representing it.
 and voila! She did it!!
 This was a new literacy centre we laid out on the table, the children really seemed to enjoy it.
We continued to work on our Pirate Inquiry this week. We started to draw our own pirates and then some of the children wrote a description of theirs.

Mrs. Ansari and I are both so impressed and proud of the children who take the initiative to try something new and challenging each week.
We are beginning to pull small groups of children for guided reading. So far, it has been successful and the children have been asking when they can read next!
Just a reminder: Monday is a P.A Day!
Thursday is: Library Day

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