Friday, February 20, 2015

Post Valentines Day

 I apologize for this late post. With workshops to attend, appointments, and meetings it has been a very busy 2 weeks!
We found the perfect spot to post some key vocabulary words for our pirate inquiry.
 We thought it would be a great idea to make pirate menus for the house centre. We brainstormed a list of things we thought pirates might eat and used the SmartBoard to copy down our list.
During science, we talked about what kind of things sink and what kind of things float. We laid out all of these materials and challenged the students who wanted to make a pirate ship or boat, to see if they could make one that would float in our water table.

We labelled the parts of a snowman using cut and paste words.
During math, we continued measuring using these different coloured shaped hearts. We measured them using snap cubes and the line to help us measure straight.
Then we counted how many cubes long our heart was. Once students measured one colour, they switched it for another colour. The challenge we gave them was to make a pattern with the snap cubes as they measured.

Our next challenge, for those who had finished, was to use the snap cubes to make the first letter of their name. If they could do that, then we challenged them even more to spell their name out using the cubes.
We wrapped up our pirate inquiry after finding this hidden treasure chest, using the last clue to help us. We ended up finding it in one of the rooms in our library.

After taking a look inside, we put together a list of what was in it. The children's task was to count the number of those objects in the treasure chest, so that we could keep track of what was in it for Blackbeard, in case something went missing.
The students copied down the list we made together using the SmartBoard.

They started to count the objects and some even decided to sort the necklaces by colour!!
We continued to measure, using this worksheet. The children had to use candy hearts to measure how long the heart flower stems were. But first, they had to estimate how many they thought it would take.
We did some letter matching.

We had a fantastic Valentine's Day! Our students made this day very special :)
Thank you for all of the thoughtful gifts and chocolates. We really enjoyed them!
 Our gift to take home..
Have a beautiful weekend! Stay warm!!

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